Region One Pilot Rules & Regulations - PDF Download
1. Management
1. The Region One Committee will conduct the affairs of the League. The Region One Committee will consist of one representative from each of the Districts taking part in the Program.
2. Code of Conduct
1. Administrators and Team Officials must conduct themselves in such a manner as to set an example when followed, would enable every player to be a credit to the game.
2. Clubs are responsible for teams registered in Region One. Teams, players or officials contravening rules and regulations will be subject to discipline.
3. The proposed playing schedule for Festivals will be held on Saturdays and/or Sundays.
3. League Fees
1. The Region One Committee will determine the annual League fees based on the annual budget.
2. For League fee structure, see Appendix “A”.
4. Team Registration
1. All Team registrations must be received by April 8th. All registrations are due with entry fees as per Appendix “A”.
2. Each Unit (Team) registration must have access to a pool/squad of a Minimum of 10 players. There is no Maximum.
3. Each Team must add the respective officials to the web site prior to the start of the program.
4. Each Team must play in its own age level unless otherwise approved by the Region One Committee.
5. All players must be registered to the respective Club or be approved under the Region One Affiliate Agreement. (Form on Web Site)
5. Team (Pool/Squad) Regulations
1. All players registered on a pool/squad will be so in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and any procedures of the District Association with which they are affiliated.
2. All players on a squad must be in possession of a current valid Ontario Soccer ID to be eligible to play or be able to prove identification where Districts do not require players in these age groups to create this identification. It is preferred that all players have the Ontario Soccer ID.
3. Teams who are participating in Region One will abide by Ontario Soccer Policies and Procedures regarding players except as noted in Region One Rules and Regulations.
4. The Team pool/squad must be entered onto the league web site prior to the first festival.
6. Team Officials
1. All Team Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must have obtained the Learn to Train Ontario Soccer Community Coaching Certification and taken the Making Ethical Decisions, Making Head Way in Soccer and Respect in Soccer Programs.
2. All Team Managers must have taken Respect in Soccer.
3. A maximum of four (4) carded officials shall be permitted to sit on the bench.
4. All Team Officials must be registered with their District Association and their current valid Ontario Soccer ID must be presented to the opposing coach and referee before the start of the game. If the current valid Ontario Soccer ID’s are not available the Official(s) Name will not be entered on the game sheet and the official(s) will not be allowed to sit on the player bench. A Team Official arriving late will be allowed to sit on player’s bench upon presentation of their current valid Ontario Soccer ID to the opposing coach and referee and name entered, and signed on game sheet. A team official is deemed to have attended a game where their name is printed and signed on the game sheet.
5. Team Officials will not be allowed to smoke while coaching their teams.
6. “Team Official” shall mean Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager or Assistant Manager who will be registered and carded by district association.
7. Team Responsibility
1. Anyone on the bench entering the field of play without consent of the Match Official during an altercation will be subject to disciplinary action depending on the Region One Committee’s findings.
2. Teams failing to comply with League Rules and Regulations are subject to fines and/or disciplinary action. Team and Club Officials will be notified in writing of any fines levied and/or disciplinary action.
3. Team officials will coach within one meter of their bench and are not permitted to walk up and down the sideline or obstruct and/or obscure the view of the assistant referee.
4. A team must field at least seven (7) registered players for a game. In the event one team does not have at least seven (7) players the opposing team will provide players to reach this number unless this movement would bring their player count to seven (7) or less.
5. Clubs are responsible for the conduct of their players, officials, and spectators on and off the field of play during a game scheduled by the League.
6. A maximum of sixteen (16) registered players may sit on the bench. All players entered on the game sheet, are deemed to have played.
7. Any Coach and/or team official withdrawing a Team from a game will be subject to disciplinary action.
8. All parents must sign a Region One Program Code of Conduct Agreement unless the Club has a similar requirement in place. The Region One Committee must have access to a copy of these documents upon request.
9. Each team must submit the match official game fees in cash when signing in for each Festival.
8. Home Club (Festival Host) / Team Responsibility
1. Home clubs will be responsible for the provision of:
Field Markings
Goal Nets
Corner Flags
2. Home Team will be responsible for the provision of:
Two properly inflated game balls
And should be prepared to provide Corner Flags if needed.
9. Uniforms
1. All players shall wear regulation soccer equipment as outlined by FIFA and Ontario Soccer Rules.
2. All Teams must play all their Region One events in their primary registered team colors.
3. All Players, including goalies, must be identified by a different number, minimum size 6” on the back of their shirt and such number will be recorded against the players’ name on the game sheet. All numbers must be legible
4. The away team shall change to an alternate strip if team colors conflict.
5. Goalkeepers’ uniforms must not conflict with that of the game officials or opposing team.
10. Match Official and Assistant Match Officials
1. All games will be assigned three match officials.
2. Match Officials Fee Schedule & Half Game Fee details; see Appendix “B”.
3. Completed game sheets must be turned in to the Field Convenor.
4. The League or its designate will assign registered match officials to games.
5. All Match Officials must have obtained their appropriate grade level and assigned as per the Ontario Soccer Match Officials’ Classification and Standards.
6. Officiating complaints will only be acknowledged if received in writing by the League. Progress report will be sent within 21 days. For cases of alleged violence, assaults and brawls the Region One Committee shall conduct a hearing as per Ontario Soccer Rules. (Complaints received at the league office are sent to the district association in which the match official is registered for review. The pilot program is not authorized to discipline referees.)
7. The match official is responsible for providing the teams with the completed game sheets within 15 minutes of the end of the game. The match official must turn in the game sheet to receive payment for the game.
8. The match official must submit all discipline reports along with the game.
9. The match officials must sign and print their name on all game sheets.
11. Game Information
1. The match official will endeavor to start each game at the scheduled time designated by the Festival Schedule. An allowance of not more than fifteen (15) minutes from the scheduled time shall be made if either team has less than five (5) players in attendance.
2. All festivals games will be played on the weekend. Games will commence no earlier than 9:00 am.
3. The length of games will be three (3) eighteen (18) minute periods.
4. Official game sheets must be completed by the teams in full and given to the Referee fifteen (15) minutes prior to kick-off.
5. All players and team officials must be identified on the game sheet. All names and Ontario Soccer registrant numbers must be legible at all times.
6. Only players listed on the game sheet are eligible to play and all are deemed to have played. A team official(s) must sign all team sheets; the signature shall verify the eligibility of players on his team.
7. Players are not required to sign the game sheet.
8. Each festival day is counted as one competition day.
9. Player substitution shall be permitted with the consent of the referee during any stoppage of play.
10. Additional requirements when substituting a player:
All Substitutions must enter & exit the field at the halfway line.
All substituted players must leave the field without delay.
11. When the ball crosses the touchline the restart will be a throw-in.
12. On a restart on a goal kick and free kicks in the defensive third of the field will implement the retreat line at 1/3 of the field. The ball will be live once kicked from the free kick.
13. The offside rule will be in force.
14. The field where possible should conform to the standard size recommend as 42m (137.8’) to 55m (180.4’) in width and 60m (196.9’) to 75m (246.1’) in length.
15. The goal size where possible should conform to the standard size of 1.83m (6’) by 5.49m (18’).
16. The game ball must be a size 4 or a size 5 light.
12. Cancellations and Rescheduling of Games
1. The game shall begin and/or continue to be played unless, in the opinion of the referee, the safety of the players and/or the quality of the field is in jeopardy.
2. The game will be replayed in full if less than 75% of the game has been played, after which time the results of the match at the time of the stoppage shall stand. The match official shall be the sole judge of time elapsed and this must be recorded on both sets of game sheets.
3. When Fields are closed due to weather conditions, the league will notify affected teams of any cancellations as soon as notification has been received in the league office. Rules for rescheduling will be used when rescheduling games.
4. The Region One Committee must approve all changes made after the final schedule is completed. No game will be postponed or rescheduled unless conditions beyond control have prevented a game or festival from being played.
5. Unless twenty-four (24) hours prior notice is given, only the match official can determine if unplayable conditions exist. Should a private club or City Parks and Recreation determine that unplayable conditions exist within less than twenty-four (24) hours notice; a notice will be forwarded to all Clubs as soon as possible.
6. Only the Region One Committee is authorized to schedule or reschedule games for the League.
13. League Standings
1. There will be no league standings posted.
14. Promotion/Relegation
1. There will be no promotion or relegation.
15. Discipline
Disciplinary action shall be taken in accordance with the Ontario Soccer Published Rules and the Region One Discipline Procedures. The following guidelines will apply:
1. In cases where Ontario Soccer Published rules provide for Discipline by Review (DBR), the accused player or Team/Club Official does not have to appear for a hearing. If the accused person does not request a hearing or does not file an appeal within seventy-two (72) hours of the game where the offence occurred, he/she will be found guilty and the applicable penalties and/or fines, established by Ontario Soccer for the offence for which he/she has been charged shall apply.
2. Any request for a hearing shall be submitted on the appropriate form and accompanied by a Hearing Fee as per Appendix “A”. The hearing fee shall be reimbursed only if the Discipline Panel finds the accused not guilty. An accused that has requested a hearing and fails to appear for the hearing shall forfeit the Hearing Fee.
(This form is available on the web site.)
3.Where Ontario Soccer Published Rules provide for Discipline by Hearing (DBH), the Region One Commissioner will convene a panel to hold a hearing.
4. Where disciplinary action results in a suspension, the suspension shall commence at the next scheduled Festival.
5. Failure of an accused player or Team Official to appear at a Disciplinary Hearing will result in the immediate suspension of the accused and fines as per APPENDIX A. The suspension will continue to be in effect until the accused appears before a hearing panel.
6. An adult who shall act an advisor must accompany the player to any hearing panel, failing which the hearing will not precede and the player shall be suspended until the hearing is held.
7. Clubs shall ensure that accused players and Team/Club Officials appear for their Disciplinary Hearing. If upon being advised of the failure of the accused to appear for their hearing, the Club fails in meeting its responsibility within 30 days of the date of the original hearing, the fine specified in APPENDIX A shall be assessed against the Club.
8. Failure of a Club Representative to appear at a Disciplinary Hearing will result in a fine as specified in Appendix A.
16. Playing an Ineligible Player
1. Any club charged with playing an ineligible player in a game/festival sanctioned by the Program will be subject to a disciplinary hearing. Upon being found guilty, the team will be fined as per Appendix “A”.
An Ineligible Player is a Player who:
i) Not registered under Ontario Soccer Policies & Procedures
ii) Registered under a false name
iii) Under Discipline Suspension
iv) Played under a different name (Used card of another player)
v) Player played without an Ontario Soccer Registration book or ID Card
2. Any team official(s) charged with playing ineligible players shall attend a discipline hearing and if found guilty shall be disciplined and fined as per Appendix “A.”
3. Any club charged with an ineligible team official in a game/festival sanctioned by the program will be subject to a disciplinary hearing. Upon being found guilty, the club will be fined as per Appendix “A”.
An Ineligible Team Official is a Team Official who:
i) Not registered under Ontario Soccer Policies & Procedures
ii) Registered under a false name
iii) Under Discipline Suspension
iv) Under a different name (Used card of another team official)
v) Participated in a game without Ontario Soccer Registration book or ID Card
17. Game Abandoned
1. Clubs will be held responsible if a game is abandoned because of the actions of its players, officials or spectators and will be subject to disciplinary hearing, and will be fined as per Appendix “A” if found guilty.
18. Protests
1. Protests based on decisions of the referee’s interpretation of FIFA Law will not be acknowledged.
2. Protests will be handled as per Region One Rules and Regulations. The Protest must be submitted in writing to the Region One Committee and to the opposing Club/Team within 72 hours of the game being terminated. A fee of $250.00 in cash or club cheque must be mailed with 7 (seven) days. Protests can only be heard if any rules of the Region One or Ontario Soccer have been violated.
3. The Region One Committee will review protest and send response within 14 days (including weekends)
i) If protest is ruled out of order – fee will be returned minus admin fee of $75.00
ii) Hearing scheduled, if protest upheld fee would be returned
iii) Hearing scheduled, if protest denied fee would be forfeited
19. Appeals
1. Any Discipline Hearing decisions of Region One may be appealed to Ontario Soccer at the following address along with a cheque for $750.00 appeal fee.
Ontario Soccer
c/o Discipline and Appeals
7601 Martin Grove Rd.
Vaughan, Ontario L4L 9E4
2. Persons appealing a decision of Region One are subject to the decision rendered until the appeal has been deposed of.
20. Annual Meetings
Annual General Meeting
1. Until the Region One Pilot is recognized as a League it will not hold an Annual General Meeting.
Coaches Meeting
1. Region One will hold an Annual Coaches Meeting prior to the season. Club/Team Contacts will be sent the details 30 days prior to meeting and details will be posted on website. Each Club is required to have a representative attend the meeting. Each Team is required to have a representative attend the meeting. Each team must have a separate representative.
Other Provisions
1. The Region One Committee may modify, add or delete any Rules or Regulations for the betterment of the Program. The clubs will be notified within 14 days of any changes.
2. Any matter not covered by the Region One Rules and Regulations, shall be governed by the provisions of OS Published Policies.
1. All financial matters of the Region One Program will be processed through the Region One Committee to fiscal policies to ensure transparency and fiscal responsibility.
Program Fees:
Per Team $200.00
Payable to League on or before April 8th
Discipline Fees:
First Festival (or portion of) No Show by Team $100.00
Second Festival (or portion of) No Show by Team $200.00
Any team missing a third festival (or portion of) will be removed from the Program.
Ejection $25.00
Three Cautions $25.00
Team Official Removal $100.00
Game Protest Fee: $250.00
Hearing Fees:
Request of Discipline by Hearing $50.00
Request of Hearing for No Show *(All) $75.00
Request to reschedule a Hearing $75.00
Failure to abide by League Rules without just cause. $100.00
All payments must be cash, club cheque or money order, payable to the Western Region Soccer League. All payable to the Program within 30 Days:
In the event a team withdraws from the Program:
1. Club registering a team and pulling the team from the Program prior to April 1 will forfeit the Program fee.
2. Pulling a team from April 8 to May 15, such clubs will forfeit its Program fee and will be subject to a fine of $ 300.00
3. After May 16, the club will forfeit the Program fee and will be subject to a fine of $500.00
All Payments must be cash, club cheque or money order, payable to the Western Region Soccer League.
All Fees and Fines are due within 21 days. Clubs are responsible for all fees and fines. Clubs not paying fees or fines within the stipulated time will be declared not in good standing and their District Association and Ontario Soccer will be notified.
Game Officials Fees:
Age Division Referee Assistant Referee (x2)
U-11-12 $30 $20
Each team must pay the game fees when signing in at each Festival.
Match Official fees for scheduled games where kick-off does not take place.
The match and assistant match officials shall be paid a half-game fee for games that are not started due to the following situations:
The field, in the match official’s discretion, is unplayable.
The town’s parks department closes the field prior to kick-off.
The District Match Official Coordinator or the DRC designate did NOT personally contact the referee at least one hour prior to scheduled kick-off of the game.
One or both teams do not show up after the grace period has lapsed.
One or both teams have less than the minimum number of players required to start the game.
The half-game fee noted above shall be paid only if:
1. The match official collects and completes the game sheet(s) and provides a short, written report explaining why the game did not start.
2. The appointed match official and assistant match officials, who were present at the field, shall include their names, Ontario Soccer Registrant Number and signature(s) in the space provided on the game sheet(s).
3. Hand a fully completed and signed copy of the game sheet(s) to the coach/manager of the team(s) that is/are present.